My Profile

I am an emirati and I was born in 1987 in Abu Dhabi. Actually I am from Khorfakkan but my father works here. I have two brothers and two sisters and we all live in Abu Dhabi. I am a second year student and I am studying civil engineer at the ADMC. I will write about myself and about the important things that happened to me when I was a child till now. I hope that it will be interesting.

As a child, I went to school when I was five years old. It was Al Nahda international school, one of the best private schools in Abu Dhabi. I remember how was my first day at school, my mother took me and to class and tried to leave but I insisted that she stays with me inside the class. Every time she tried to leave I cried until the teacher carried me and told my mother to leave. At that time I hated the teacher and I thought that she was the enemy or something.
I adapted fast in school, actually I liked it especially when I made friends. The only thing that I dislike is when my mother wakes me up in the morning. I always felt lazy and sleepy because I didn’t go to bed on time and I admit it.
My childhood wasn’t that interesting; in fact it was a little bit boring. I go to school in the morning, come back in the afternoon then doing my homework after that watching TV.
I think that the interesting part of my life started as a teenager. That is because when I became 13 years old I told my parents that I like football a lot and I want to register in Al Jazeera sports club. My father didn’t mind at all because he was a player once in the national team. I played in the team and I was a very good player and I thought that one day I will be a football star until when I became 17 years old I had a serious injury. It ended everything. I felt very bad for my self and I was sad because the doctors of the club told me that the injury isn’t easy and they said that if I get injured again I may not play football again in my life.
I got used to it fast and I stopped playing football for almost a year. When I entered 12th grade I didn’t think about football at all because it was my last year in school and I should get I high grade and that was my desire that year. I studied hard and did everything that I could to get 90 and above. The exams wasn’t that difficult for me, I put all me effort in the tests and I didn’t think about anything but the marks. We finished the tests and students were all waiting for the results. After two weeks the results were there and when I saw my grades and I was very amazed about it because it was my first time that I get 90 percent.
The Grade is high enough to make my father proud and he was proud. At that time, my father was so happy and he told me that he will give me anything I ask for as my gift. At that time, my cousins were planning to travel to Japan so, I told my father about it and he accepted.

After a long exhausting trip that took about 14 hours we finally made it to Tokyo. It was 3 am and it was raining, we ordered a taxi from the airport to take us to the hotel. While we were in the taxi, my cousin needed to smoke so he opened the window but the taxi driver said no and we were shocked because he said that it is prohibited to even throw the ashes of the cigarette on the street and this is amazing.
We made it to Park hotel, a wonderful hotel that is in a 25th level in a very tall tower. The booking was done from the UAE that is why we didn’t wait at the lobby and it was quick and easy. We were so tired so we slept till the next morning. In the next day we decided to check out the surrounding thus when we left the building I really got stunned when I saw Tokyo and its people. It is really one of the best cities in the world and what made me shocked was the people. They were the most respectful people I ever seen in my life and that made me comfortable because I thought that Japanese are like the movies, they are always the bad guys therefore I thought that they are the same.
We found an Indian restaurant in the block which was just besides our building so we decided to have lunch. I realized that Indian food has always the same taste, it is like the restaurants we have here in the UAE but more deluxe. When we finished eating we took a walk for about 4 kilometers and we got far away from the hotel. We agreed that when we feel that we want to go back we will simply get a taxi